Aftercare Tips for Dentures

Aftercare Tips for Dentures

Dentures are removable appliances that replace missing teeth. They are usually made from acrylic resin or porcelain and are designed to be lightweight, durable, and comfortable for the patient.

Most denture patients find they adjust to their dentures fairly quickly, but it can take several weeks to several months to get used to them. Your dentist may recommend wearing the denture at night or leaving it out at night to ease your adjustment. Many patients also need to learn to speak and chew properly with their dentures.

Here are a few aftercare tips if you just got your dentures:

Follow a Strict Oral Hygiene Routine

After you get dentures, it’s important to maintain the level of oral hygiene you had with your original teeth. This means brushing, flossing, rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash, and visiting your dentist regularly. Your dentist can provide advice on how to make this routine work for you.

Clean Your Dentures

Taking care of your dentures is an important part of maintaining your oral health. Take your time when cleaning them. Avoid using toothpaste to clean your dentures. This can scratch or dull dentures, which will require repairs. Instead, clean your dentures with soap and warm water.

Brush Your Gums and Tongue

Dentures should fit your mouth comfortably. However, they can still cause irritation. Brush your gums and tongue with a soft-bristled toothbrush after every meal. This will help to remove food particles and plaque that can cause irritation.

Use a Soft-bristled Toothbrush

To keep your dentures clean, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently brush them daily. Brush them at least twice a day. It’s important that you don’t use toothpaste on your dentures because the abrasives in toothpaste can damage them. Instead of using toothpaste, use a denture cleaning tablet, effervescent denture cleaner, or denture cream.

To clean your dentures, brush them over a sink filled with water. If your dentures have metal clasps, carefully open them and brush the inside of your dentures. Brush all surfaces of the dentures, and soak them overnight.

Keep Your Gums Healthy

Brush your gums and tongue regularly with a soft-bristled brush. Doing so prevents plaque from developing on your gums, and it can also keep the natural shape of your gums.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Even if you wear full dentures, it’s still important to see your dentist regularly. Your mouth is susceptible to the same problems caused by tooth decay and gum disease. Your dentist can catch any problems early before they cause too much damage.

Your dentist will also check for oral cancer, which can develop in the mouths of people who don’t take care of their teeth.

Trailhead Dental, located in Wheat Ridge, CO, is equipped with the latest technologies and modern amenities that enable the best dental care facilities for patients. Call us at (720) 242-6803 and schedule an appointment with the dentist to learn about the services provided to the patients at the dental practice.


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